Exciting Quiz Rounds!

Wipeouts, Mystery Person, Connections, Current Affairs, Subject Rounds, and On This Day Quizzes

We've got a huge range of quiz rounds to make your pub quiz unique and exciting to the end!

Wipeouts Quizzes
Our Wipeout Rounds are the best way to end a quiz and keep everyone on their toes until the end. Teams have to try to pick 10 correct answers from 20 but if they get any wrong, they lose all their points for that round!

Where or Who am I Quizzes
Our 'Where or Who am I' quizzes needs teams to identify a mystery person or place within ten clues, but with each new clue the teams will lose a point!

Connections Quizzes
Our 'make the connection' rounds ask 9 mixed bag questions but all the answers have something in common. For the final point, teams must guess the connection!

Current Affairs Quizzes
Keep up to date with our Current Affairs rounds! We make 10 questions out of the week's biggest headlines so it's perfect for all quiz teams, veteran or new!

Subject Rounds
Our subject rounds ask questions on a range of topics, from the general such as 'History' to more specialised areas like 'Beer'!

On This Day Quizzes
Our On This Day quizzes take the memorable anniversaries from every day of the year and turn them into questions! From birthdays, marriages, music chart toppers, historical events, sport achievements and more!


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