Premier League Quizzes for the Kickoff

The Premier League season kicks off on the 9th August! 

Get into the spirit of things by putting on a Premier League quiz, whether as a one-off or as one of your regular quizzes! We can provide a full quiz pack or you can pick from a selection of picture quizzes and quiz rounds.

Premier League Legends
Premier League Bumper Quiz Pack
11 rounds, 100 questions and 20 pictures: Mixed Bag x 2, Records, Stadiums, Firsts, Club Nicknames, Managers, Players, Awards and Wipeout, plus a Premier League Legends Picture Quiz!

Premier League Quiz Pack 1
6 rounds, 50 questions and 10 pictures: Managers, Players, Mixed Bag, Awards, Wipeout and the picture quiz is Premier League Legends

Premier League Legends Picture Quiz
Identify 20 legends of Premier League teams, we also do mini picture quizzes

Premier League Managers Picture Quiz
Identify 20 Premier League team managers. See our mini picture quiz version here!


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